Global Select Team Logo 2022

Formats:  Brand / Typography / Logo Design / Motion

Date: Jan' 2023

The Select team work in the area of client business development for high value clients at Global. In my initial conversations about the image of the Select team, a few things became apparent. Select is a team which spans across all other teams in Global. They do more than sell inventory, they do more than sell creative, more than create strategy, identify solutions and grow brands… For their clients, they are path finders and guides through Global’s services. They open doors, they know the right people, they unlock business potential.


These words were the beginning of the iconography and strap line. The logo needed to be versatile and able to reflect any one of the many areas in which the Select team worked at a given time.




The team name ‘Select’, conjures up more than just quality, unique service and choices; the word Select, in itself is a call to action. It is an invitation to engage with Global’s audio, visual and digital products


Select doesn’t just end with Global’s core products however, it can be followed by infinite options. The long form graphic allows the imagery to be adaptive to any pitch, presentation, client or industry.


The Select team members need to be responsive, adaptive and independent. The nature of this graphic concept and its infinite potential extensions, means they will need to be able to take control of the words that follow Select. Instead of creating the complex rules based on percentages of scale and leading, that you often find in brand guidelines for designers. I created simple visual alignment and sizing rules for every element of the graphic to give the Select team control over how they use it.







The Select logo design allowed the team members to present and promote specific areas of their work and was a big success at Global. This sonic motion logo really shows of the concept and is used in Select client presentations and videos.


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I enjoy an interesting brief. I am happy to work anonymously and don't always select work based on budgets. So feel free to contact me regarding a case you think I might find interesting.


Address: 13 Ash Street, Hazel grove, Stockport, SK74EQ


Phone: 07801571166


Connect with me on Instagram or Linkedin.

For personal artwork and graffiti visit